Himalayan Salt FAQs
Do I have to leave my Salt Lamp on all the time?
No, you do not. It is advisable to have your Salt Lamp on when you are at home. But like all electronics, it is not advisable to leave it on unattended when someone is not home. When you get home turn on all your Himalayan Salt Lamps.
If I turn my Salt Lamp off will it melt away to nothing?
HImalayan Salt Lamps absorb moisture from the air, when they are turned off they can ‘cry’ if the weather is quite humid or if you live close to the beach. To prevent having a sad lamp when it is turned off, place a plastic bag over it and tuck under base of lamp to stop the moisture from getting to it. If you are going away for long periods of time then for extra measures you can carefully pull the cord (with bulb) out from the bottom of the lamp to prevent moisture getting on to the cord and bulb. When you get home just take the plastic bag off and place cord back inside your Lamp. This is useful when humidity is high where you live. When it is dry weather and your lamps aren’t crying, then they are fine to be turned off and left as normal.
How does a Salt Lamp work?
When the bulb inside the lamp heats the Himalayan Salt, the salt releases negative ions – which counteract positive ‘pollutant’ ions in the air. So basically, Himalayan Salt Lamps are an air purifier and can aid in respiratory problems such as Asthma, Sinus and Allergies. Salt Lamps are also known to reduce symptoms in people with ASD and are also known to improve snoring and sometimes stop the snoring altogether.
Why are my bulbs blowing?
The bulbs used in Himalayan Salt Lamps are meant to be in a stationary position. If they are moved suddenly or are exposed to vibration they are likely to blow. High humidity can also cause bulbs to blow.
If you have bulbs blowing regularly, here are some things to take into consideration-
- The globe is not quite screwed in firmly enough to touch both contacts.
- The globe is touching the inside surface of the lamp.
- The lamp is moved while the lamp has been on for a while.
- There is a large current drawing appliance on the same circuit that is turned on/off and there is a momentary power spike.
- There is excessive ‘micro vibration’ nearby like a TV too close.
- After a bulb has been changed the cord and bulb has been pushed too far to the top of lamp and is touching the salt.
- If the lamp has been turned off and it has ‘cried’ while been turned off and has not been wrapped up, salt may have cried onto the bulb which will cause it to blow.
Does it matter what colour the Salt Lamp is? Which colour is better?
All of the colours of Himalayan Mineral Crystal Salt contain minerals and offers health benefits. The darker the red and orange colours, the more of the Iron mineral is present within the crystal. When the bulb inside the lamp heats the salt crystals the Himalayan Salt releases negative ions – counteracting positive ‘pollutant’ ions in the air. This occurs regardless of what colour the lamp is. Most people find that the darker the colours of the crystals within the Salt Lamp have a more calming effect, especially in bedrooms.
Can I buy replacement bulbs and cords?
Yes, we sell replacement bulbs and Australian standard electrical cords.
Why don’t you recommend dimmer cords for Salt Lamps?
Dimmer switches when used on ‘Dim’ should ONLY be on dim for a very short period of time. When on Dim, a Dimmer Switch holds all its charge at the switch – which can cause it to overheat and sometimes ‘blow’.
When a Salt Lamp has a Dim Switch and it is on Dim, the bulb has less power getting to it – which causes it to produce less heat, if the weather is quite humid the Salt Lamp can still ‘cry’ (sweat/absorb moisture) and this can be dangerous when it is plugged in and turned on at the power supply. A Salt Lamp only has a 12 volt Bulb, which is very low wattage, a Lamp needs heat from the Bulb for it to work.
There is really no need for a Dimmer Switch to be on a Salt Lamp. If you wish to have a darker Lamp then you need to choose a Lamp that has darker coloured Salt Crystals.
My salt lamp is turned on but it’s still crying?
When there is high humidity, salt lamps can still cry (condensate) a little bit while turned on. If this happens pat your lamp dry with a dry cloth.
Why do you recommend to sit the salt lamp on a plate?
If your salt lamp does cry a little it can drip onto your furniture and can cause damage to your furniture. If you keep your lamp on a plate the salt will collect on the plate which can easily be disposed of or it can be used in bathing or cooking. You can find lovely glass plates very cheap from second hand stores.
My children keep licking my Lamp? Why and will it hurt them?
Children and animals are more sensitive to their surroundings and are more in-tune to what their bodies need and are lacking in. If your children or your pets are licking your salt lamp it is perfectly safe. Himalayan Mineral Salt is rich in over 80 trace elements and minerals that our bodies need. Himalayan Salt is also anti-bacterial and doesn’t harbour any bacteria or germs. Remember everything in moderation though.
Is your Himalayan Salt really from the Himalayas?
‘Absolutely Yes 100%’ All of our Himalayan Mineral Crystal Salt and products come direct to us from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan.
How often should I use my Salt Inhaler?
As often as required. It is perfectly safe and natural for all ages, pregnant women and people on medication. Basically it’s as natural and safe as sitting on the beach – but better! It’s pure natural Himalayan Mineral Salt.
I saw on the Internet somewhere that it says the darker the pink the more intense the minerals and is therefore better quality, is this true?
No, that is not true. When the salt is darker in colour it just means that there is more Iron mineral present within the crystal.
There are over 80 minerals and trace elements in Himalayan Salt Crystal, Iron is the only mineral which has the effect to make such an impact on colour. As a salt lamp the benefits are still the same, it just comes down to your colour preference. With eating Himalayan Salt it is good to get a good balance in colour. If you need more Iron in your diet, then perhaps the darker reds will be more suitable. Remember balance is key with everything.
What size salt lamp should I buy for each sized room?
Also on the Internet you may see some websites claiming that you have to have a certain size Salt Lamp to cover a certain size room/area, once again, this is incorrect.
It all comes down to what is in the room ie; lets compare two lounge rooms, they are the same size, one room there is a family of 4, a large TV, Mobile devices, computers and Laptops, in the other room there is a couple, who do have a TV but hardly watch it, they read books and have one landline telephone. The room with 4 people and all the electronics will need much more Himalayan Salt than the couple in the other room.
So, its all about how much is going on in the room i.e.; number of people sharing the air space and how much electronics are in the room.
There is no such thing as ‘too much’ when it comes to Himalayan Salt Lamps, you can have 3 large lamps in one room if you like, but then again, one Salt Lamp is better than none at all.
Generally for a bedroom a 2-3 kilo or 3-5 kilo is a good size, because there is usually only one or two people in the room, however these days allot of bedrooms have TV’s, Computers, Mobile Phones etc. in them – which is ALLOT going on in a room where you are meant to be resting your mind, body and soul; so for a bedroom with that much going on, a couple of small lamps or even few 3-5 kilo salt lamps would be beneficial.
Why is Himalayan Salt considered better than other Salts?
Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salt has been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to any toxins, pollutants and impurities. The Salt Crystals unique cellular structure allows the Salt to store vibrational (healing) energy. Himalayan Mineral Salt’s salt crystals and minerals exist in a colloidal form; meaning, that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb. In Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salt there is over 80 minerals that our bodies are made up of, and need replacing.
Many people are unaware that common table salt contains many harsh chemicals. Salt is necessary for our diet but can be dangerous if taken in this chemical form.
Most common table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals like iodine and absorbents.
Common salts are dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit, a process which zaps many of the natural chemical structures. Common table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and processed foods is void of any nutritional value, lacking beneficial trace minerals. Some common Rock Salt, Sea Salt and even some popular Celtic Salts are also processed.
Processing Salt turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader. The body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way which can lead to inflammation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure.
Studies show that for each gram of table salt your system cannot process, your body will use over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the sodium chloride in chemically-treated salt
Do USB Salt Lamps produce negative ions?
No. USB Lamps have a LED light bulb in them. LED does not produce heat. It is the heat from a Light Bulb which heats the salt which then produces negative ions to purify the air.
So, USB lamps are more for decorative and metaphysical purposes only.
Himalayan Mineral Salt is a crystal, its metaphysical properties are much like Rose Quartz; unconditional love, self-love, romantic love, friendship love, but also protection from negative energies and surroundings – which Salt is most commonly known for. For many centuries, many cultures have used Salt to cleanse and protect.
If you want a Salt Lamp to purify the air, you need a Lamp with an electrical cord and a 12 volt globe.
Do your power cords meet Australian Safety Standards?
Yes, all our power cords used in our Salt Lamps at the Himalayan Salt Factory & Salt Cave are Australian Safety Standard Approved.
What watt/volt bulb do I need for my Salt Lamps?
Due to the new regulations have been put in place by the committees of Australia Standard, Salt Lamps being sold in Australia are required to have an Australian standard power cord not exceeding 24 voltage in 2020, which means we can’t provide the old 220-240V power cord for the salt lamp. Therefore, we offer the new 12V dc power cords for all the salt lamps to satisfy the Australia standard. This new 12V dc power cord can only be used with 12 volt (12V-12W) bulbs strictly.
However, if you have the old 220-240V power cord at home, you can still use it for your salt lamp and this old 220-240V power cord is compatible with 7 watt and 15 watt bulbs.
Refer to the illustration above, check the model of your cord and find out the correct bulb for the safety reasons.
220-240V power Cord – 7 watt or 15 watt bulb
12V dc power Cord – 12 volt (12V-12W) bulb ONLY
Can I buy a Salt Lamp bigger than 5kg?
No, due to new regulations from the committees of Australia Standard (‘AS 60598.2.4:2019 – Luminaires, Part 2.4: Particular requirements‘), salt lamps are restricted to less than 5kg in size only.