Amethyst Information

Amethyst Information | Himalayan Salt Factory

Amethyst is definitely is one of the most popular crystals at The Himalayan Salt Factory. This well-known crystal is a purple type of Quartz, a common mineral. The variation in colour is incredible, going from a very light lilac to deep purple. Amethyst also appears in many different forms, such as small tumbled stones, rough stones, clusters, polished spheres and geode specimens. All the Amethyst from The Himalayan Salt Factory comes from Brazil and is sourced directly from the Amethyst mines. Continue reading to learn more about Amethyst information.

Amethyst comes from Greek word ‘amethystos’, which means ‘not drunken’. The people of Ancient Greece believed it is the best crystal to help with controlling addictions and bad habits as well as to remove negativity.

Natural Amethyst Crystal Point J818 | Himalayan Salt Factory

Amethyst can also help you sleep, release stress and reduce fear. When your skin makes contact with Amethyst, it helps with calming emotional disruptions and amplifies your spirituality. The purple colour from Amethyst can also increase the transmutation of energy that helps to release anxiety and to calm your mind.

Amethyst Druze Heart DS267 | Himalayan Salt Factory

When it comes to your mental health, Amethyst is also believed to be able to enhance your mental activity. It could also help to resist those undesirable habits you may be struggling with as well as giving you the strength and willpower that a person will need to follow their dreams and passions in life.